Militarized Disputes, Crises, and Wars

See also the resources on my companion page for the ISA Compendium's "Review of Available Data Sets" article, which may have been updated more recently than some of the resources on this page.

My International Conflict and Security pages may also include relevant information or data.

COW Militarized Interstate Disputes: The latest official release of the COW Project's militarized interstate dispute (MID) data, version 3.10; see also their recently released MID Locations data, collected by Alex Braithwaite.

Zeev Maoz' Dyadic MID Data (a dyadic version of the MID data available above.)

COW Interstate War, Extrastate [Extrasystemic] War, and Intrastate [Civil] War data.

Kristian Gleditsch's Expanded War Data: A revision and expansion of the COW war data that uses Gleditsch and Ward's alternative interstate system membership list. This data set includes both interstate wars and civil wars (including "extra-systemic" wars). It was described in his 2004 International Interactions article.

Russ Leng's Behavioral Correlates of War (BCOW) Crisis Data is available in both Mac and Windows versions (note that these download links are to StuffIt (.sit) and zipped (.zip) archives containing data, documentation, and the needed software for working with the data.)

International Crisis Behavior (ICB) Data Archive (One of the leading data sets for the study of armed conflict, particularly useful because it includes a number of variables related to conflict management. ICB provides crisis-level, actor-level, and dyadic-level data on each crisis. Their web site also includes a data viewer that can be used to view the coding and historical narrative of each crisis.)

SHERFACS Crisis Data Archive (a crisis data set collected by the late Frank Sherman, maintained by his executor Hayward Alker, and made available for download by the Paris-in-LA project. The data set is available in Paradox database form - be warned that this is a huge file, 5.7 MB. A codebook is also available, and an additional overview of the SHERFACS project is available at MIT.)

Ernst Haas' Collective Security Data (available on-line through the PARIS-in-LA project at USC; this is the final version of the data used by Haas in "Collective Conflict Management: Evidence for a New World Order?" [in Thomas G. Weiss, ed.,Collective Security in a Changing World, 1993], "Regime Decay: Conflict Management and International Organization, 1945-1981" [International Organization, 1983], and Why We Still Need the United Nations: The Collective Management of International Conflict, 1945-1984 [1986]. Three versions of the data set are available, including UN cases, regional cases, and combined UN and regional cases)

Claudio Cioffi's Long Range Analysis of War (LORANOW) Project studies warfare in non-Western settings. Currently, this is limited to data on warfare in ancient China and the East Asian system, but more regions will eventually become available, including the ancient Near East (Mesopotamia), the Central Andes (Peru), and Mesoamerica (including Maya civilization).

Armed Conflict Data (from the Center for the Study of Civil War at the Peace Research Institute of Oslo [PRIO] and the Uppsala Conflict Data Project, which also offers a number of other data sets)

Major Episodes of Political Violence (from the Center for Systemic Peace in Maryland; see also the related Armed Conflict and Intervention (ACI) project. This data set includes conflicts that are listed in one or more other data sources, ranging from civil-intrastate and ethnic-intrastate to international conflicts and including a wide range of severity levels between low-level violence and full-scale war.)

Global and Regional Conflict Trends (from the Center for Systemic Peace in Maryland; note that this gives a graphical presentation of aggregated data from various sources, rather than the actual data sets themselves)

Current Status of the World's Major Armed Conflicts (from the Center for Systemic Peace in Maryland; includes "all known instances of major armed conflict and population displacement in the world in the late 1990s" with a brief description of each conflict, an assessment of its current status, and an estimate of the number of refugees and internally displaced population at the end of 1998)

The KOSIMO Conflict Data (from the Heidelberg Institute of International Conflict Research (HIIK); see also their annual Conflict Barometer reports.)

The Duration of Interstate Wars, 1816-1985 (from Bennett and Stam's 1996 APSR article)

Interstate Rivalry

Diehl/Goertz Rivalry Data (This is version 5 of their data set, which is based on the MID3 data set from 1816-2001.)

Scott Bennett's Rivalry Data (details on the coding of the rivalries used in his research on rivalry termination. He has also made available the replication data for a number of rivalry-related articles: Security, Bargaining, and the End of Interstate Rivalry [1996 ISQ], Democracy, Regime Change, and Rivalry Termination [1997 II], Measuring Rivalry Termination [1997 JCR], and Integrating and Testing Models of Rivalry Termination [1998 AJPS].)

Event Data

KEDS Event Data (Access to a number of collections of event data from the Kansas Event Data System (KEDS) project, including data using the associated Conflict and Mediation Event Observations (CAMEO) coding scheme. The downloadable data sets include data on events in the Levant, the Gulf region and Arabian Peninsula, West Africa, Central Asia, and the Balkans, among others.)

Gary King's "10 Million International Dyadic Events" data set (a machine-coded set of 10 million dyadic events between 1990-2004, coded using the Integrated Data for Events Analysis (IDEA) framework; see a more updated version on his dataverse page.)

Internal Conflict Data

My Foreign Governments and Politics page may also include relevant information or data.

COW Intrastate [Civil] War and Extrastate [Extrasystemic] War data.

Minorities at Risk Project (A research project that "monitors and analyzes the status and conflicts of politically-active communal groups in all countries with a current population of at least 500,000." Besides the downloadable quantitative data, they also provide a searchable interface that can bring up information on each group that is included in the data set. The main MAR data has recently been augmented by the addition of the Minorities at Risk Organizational Behavior (MAROB) data set.)

Political Instability Task Force (a data project focused on state failures, revolutionary wars, ethnic wars, genocides, and politicides from 1955-2006.)

Pat Regan's interventions in civil conflicts data (replication data from his book and articles on the subject).

Statistics of Democide (from Rudolph Rummel's Power Kills site, which includes numerous book chapters and other manuscripts, as well as GIF versions of many data tables from these manuscripts. Unfortunately, there are no easily accessible data files that can be downloaded outside of these GIF files, so the user must download the files and transcribe the desired variables by hand from the GIF images. I am including direct links to what appear to be the most useful tables/figures; interested users are invited to visit Rummel's site for more information. )

Ron Francisco's European Protest and Coercion Data (Separate data files are available for each country in Excel or tab-delimited ASCII format)

Domestic Strife and the Initiation of Violence at Home and Abroad, 1827-1982 (from Eric Reinhardt)

Other Conflict and Cooperation Data

My International Organizations, International Law, and International Political Economy pages may also include relevant information or data.

UN General Assembly Voting Data (compiled by Erik Voeten from a number of other UN-related data sets.)

GATT Trade Disputes, 1948-1993 (from Eric Reinhardt's dissertation, Posturing Parliaments: Ratification, Uncertainty, and International Bargaining. Additional data sets are available on Eric's public data page)

GATT/WTO Dispute Initiation and GATT/WTO Membership (from Eric Reinhardt's "Aggressive Multilateralism: The Determinants of GATT/WTO Dispute Initiation, 1948-1998")

UN Electronic Mine Information Network (see especially their country reports, which cover everything from the status of demining operations to the country's signature and ratification status for major treaties and conventions.)
Last updated: 30 July 2018
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