The ICOW Regime Claims Data Set

The regime claims data set follows the general guidelines on the ICOW home page.

This data set includes data on explicit statements by one or more states seeking to remove the specific leader or entire political system of at least one other state, as well as details of each claim such as characteristics of the claim's initiator and target and the relationship between their states.

Project Participants

Current Status

John Tures, currently at LaGrange College in Georgia, collected preliminary data on regime-based claims in the Western Hemisphere for his doctoral dissertation at Florida State University (defended in the year 2000). The data set for his dissertation was limited to regime claims involving Latin American regimes (although the challenger may come from outside of the region), and it does not appear that John is planning to extend this data collection to the remainder of the world. Any questions about this data set should be directed to John Tures.

Data Set References

This data set was collected for and used in John Tures' doctoral dissertation:

No papers using this data set have been published yet, but it has been used in several conference papers:

Download the Codebooks and Data

The latest version of the regime claims codebook is available (in PDF format). The latest list of Western Hemisphere regime claims used in John Tures' dissertation (and more recently extended through 2002) may be downloaded (in .zip archive format), with information identifying each claim such as the challenger and target state, name of the targeted leader, and the beginning and ending date of each claim; additional variables that can be used to measure claim salience might be made available at a later date.

Please note that this, like all ICOW data sets, uses the list of country codes in the COW interstate system. Please see that list for help in identifying which countries were involved in the events included in this data set, or for any questions about when each country was considered a sovereign, recognized state.

Contact Information

The ICOW River Claims data set is collected and maintained by John Tures at LaGrange College. Please contact him with any questions about the data set:
Last updated: 23 July 2019
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